(Spring 2020) CS 410/510 - Intro to Quantum Computing

Schedule (subject to change)

General guideline

  • Zoom link for lectures, Fridays at 12:45pm.
  • Zoom link for office hours, Wednesdays at 4pm.
  • Workflow:
    • Monday - Friday (before class): study the pre-class material for this week. Review the post-class materials from last week. When applicable, complete the quiz and/or homework.
    • Wednesday’s office hour: ask questions to help you navigate the study materials.
    • Friday’s lecture: bring more questions and participate in active discusions.

Week 10 (June 01 - June 05)

Project presentation

  • Schedule: AC, HV, OSS, IM, S, B, BRR, BPM

Week 9 (May 25 - May 29)

Quantum error correcting and fault tolerance, selected topics

  • In-class: Note PDF; Annotated note PDF.
  • Pre-class: Watrous Lec16 PDF; Monroe SA quantum party HTML.
  • Post-class: Watrous Lec22 (Quantum computational complexity) PDF; Aaronson Limits of QC PDF.
  • Supplement: Watrous Lec17 (CSS codes) PDF.

Week 8 (May 18 - May 22)

Quantum information theory, discussion on quantum advantage experiments

  • In-class: Note PDF; Annotated note PDF.
  • Pre-class: Watrous Lec14 PDF; NYT HTML.
  • Post-class: Watrous Lec15 PDF.
  • Supplement: Talks on Google’s quantum experiment Youtube.

Week 7 (May 11 - May 15)

Grover’s algorithm, discussion on quantum factoring

  • In-class: Note PDF; Annotated note PDF.
  • Pre-class: Watrous Lec12 PDF; Quantum factoring experiments [SSV13 MNM+16]; Videos on Youtube.
  • Post-class: Watrous Lec13 PDF;
  • Leaisure reading: Google factorization PDF.

Week 6 (May 4 - May 8)

Phase estimation, quantum Fourier transform

  • In-class: Note PDF; Annotated note PDF.
  • Pre-class Watrous Lec8 (The phase estimation procedure) PDF; Lec9 (Efficient implementation of the quantum Fourier transform) PDF; Videos on Youtube.
  • Post-class: NC 5.1 (QFT) PDF.

Week 5 (April 27 - May 1)

Order finding, integer factorization

  • In-class: Note PDF; Annotated note PDF.
  • Pre-class: Watrous Lec7 PDF (Modular arithmetic); Lec10 PDF (The Order Finding problem); Lec 8 PDF (The phase estimation problem. Read the definition only); Videos on Youtube.
  • Post-class: Lec10 PDF (Solving order finding using phase estimation); Lec11 PDF (reducing factoring to order finding).

Week 4 (April 20 - April 24)

Simon’s algorithm, reversible computation

  • In-class: Note PDF; Annotated note PDF.
  • Pre-class: Watrous Lec6 PDF; Videos on Youtube.
  • Post-class: Watrous Lec7 PDF (Reversible computation).
  • Supplement: Probability and birthday bound PDF.

Week 3 (April 13 - April 17)

Deutsch’s algorithm, Deutsch-Josza algorithm

  • In-class: Note PDF; Annotated note PDF; Video recording on D2L/Mediaspace.
  • Pre-class: Watrous Lec4 PDF; CCC report: computer science’s role in quantum computing PDF; Videos on Youtube.
  • Post-class: Watrous Lec5 PDF.

Week 2 (April 6 - April 10)

Multiple qubits, partial measurement, superdense coding, quantum teleportation

  • In-class: Note PDF; Annotated note PDF; Video recording on D2L/Mediaspace.
  • Pre-class: Watrous Lec2 PDF; Videos on Youtube.
  • Post-class: Watrous Lec3 PDF
  • Supplement: KLM Chapter 1.5,4.1 eLink; Videos on Youtube.

Week 1 (March 30 - April 03)

Linear algebra, quantum basics

  • In-class: Annotated note PDF; Video recording on D2L/Mediaspace.
  • Pre-class: Linear algebra review PDF; Videos on Youtube.
  • Post-class: Aaronson Lec9 HTML; Watrous Lec1 PDF.
  • Supplement on Linear algebra: KLM Chapter 2; MIT Open Course 18.06 is a comprehensive introduction to linear algebra.


Submit on Gradescope (Entry code: MW6NDP). You’ll earn bonus points if you type in LaTeX. See Resource for LaTeX tutorials.

  • HW6 [PDF,TEX], due 11:59pm PDT, 05/31/2020.
  • HW5 [PDF,TEX], due 11:59pm PDT, 05/17/2020.
  • HW4 [PDF,TEX], due 11:59pm PDT, 05/10/2020.
  • HW3 [PDF,TEX], due 11:59pm PDT, 04/26/2020.
  • HW2 [PDF,TEX], due 11:59pm PDT, 04/19/2020.
  • HW1 [PDF,TEX], due 11:59pm PDT, 04/12/2020.