- Scribe notes have not been carefully proofread. Corrections and
comments are welcome. (Missing: lec 4, 7, 8, 12, 15)
- I’ve written up a note summarizing early results revolving Grover’s
search algorithm. Available
Week 1
- April 04 Qubit, unitary operation, measurement
- Reading: Aaronson Lec9 HTML; Watrous Lec1 PDF
- HW 1 Out [PDF TeX], due April 18, 2017 before class.
- April 06 Quantum circuit model
- Reading: Watrous Lec2 PDF, Lec3 PDF
- Scribe note by Henry Cooney: [PDF TeX]
Week 2
- April 11 Reversible computation, quantum query model, Deutsch’s algorithm
- Reading: Watrous Lec7 PDF, Lec4 PDF
- Scribe note by Ben Hamlin: [PDF TeX]
- April 13 Deutsch-Josza algorithm, Simon’s Problem
- Reading: Watrous Lec5 PDF, Lec6 PDF; Vazirani Lec7 PDF
- Scribe note by Mayank Sharma:
Week 3
- April 18 Simon’s algorithm cont’d, Phase estimation
- Watrous Lec6 PDF, Lec8 PDF
- Scribe note by Nate Launchbury: [PDF TeX]
- HW 1 due. HW 2
due May 02, 2017 before class.
- April 20 Phase estimation general case, Quantum Fourier Transform
- Watrous Lec9 PDF; Vazirani Lec12 PDF
- Scribe note by John Donahue: [PDF TeX]
Week 4
- April 25 Order finding, Kitaev’s algorithm
- Watrous Lec10 PDF, Lec11 PDF;
- Scribe note by Thomas Patecky:
- April 27 factoring, Shor’s algorithm, Hidden subgroup problem
- Vazirani Lec8 PDF, Lec9 PDF
- Scribe note by Thomas Patecky:
- Project proposal due by midnight in any time zone!
Week 5
- May 02 Unstructured search, Grover’s algorithm
- Reading: Vazirani Lec11 PDF; Watrous Lec12 PDF, Lec13 PDF
- Scribe note by Mohamed Abidalrekab: [PDF TeX]
- HW 2 due. HW 3
due May 16, 2017 before class.
- May 04 Optimalilty of Grover’s algorithm, quantum query complexity
- Reading: Vazirani Lec10 PDF; [BBBV97]
- Scribe note by Asher Toback: [PDF TeX]
Week 6
- May 09 Entanglement, teleportation, superdense coding
- Vazirani Lec3 PDF; Watrous Lec4 PDF, Lec20 PDF
- Scribe note by Ben Hamlin: [PDF TeX]
- May 11 non-local games, density operators, mixed states
- Watrous Lec14 PDF, Lec15 PDF
- Scribe note by Nate Launchbury:
Week 7
- May 16 POVM, Entropy, Holevo’s theorem
- Vazirani Lec13 PDF, Lec17 PDF
- Scribe note by Enis Inan: [PDF TeX]
- HW 3 due. HW 4
due May 30 before class.
- May 18 Quantum Error correcting and Fault tolerance
- Vazirani Lec21 PDF; Watrous Lec16 PDF, Lec17 (CSS codes) PDF
- Scribe note by Asher Toback: [PDF TeX]
Week 8
- May 22 Project mid-term report due by midnight in any time zone!
- May 23 Quantum computational complexity
- Watrous Lec22 PDF
- Scribe note by John Donahue:
- May 25 Quantum computational complexity
- Vazirani Lec6 PDF, Lec19 PDF
- Scribe note by Enis Enan: [PDF TeX]
Week 9
- May 30 Quantum crypto and post-quantum crypto
- Watrous Lec18 PDF; FS’s talk at AsiaPQC Forum [Video]
- June 01 Selected topic: simulating quantum systems
Week 10
- June 06 Project presentations
- Enis & Mohamed: Quantum Walks
- Mayank: Linear system quantum algorithm
- Jared & Nhut: Quantum speedup characteristics
- Marko & Devan: Quantum Neural Networks
- June 08 Project presentations
- Jorden,Bishoy,Tim,Shashwat: Quantum software
- Ben S,John,Tom: Quantum error correcting
- Ben H,Nate,Steve: Quantum FHE
- Asher & Henry: Quantum secure computation
Final project report due: Thursday, June 15, 11:59pm PDT.