(Fall 2021) CS 410/510 - Foundations of emerging technologies


  • <2021-10-04 Mon> Future communications will be primarily via Slack. Check frequently “Schedule” page for reading materials, and Google Classroom for classwork.
  • <2021-09-27 Mon> The Fall term is officially here. Let’s get started!
  • <2021-09-09 Thu> This class is switched to Attend Anywhere mode in Fall’21. Stay tuned for more information.
  • <2021-08-03 Tue> Details such as the syllabus added.
  • <2021-05-10 Mon> Welcome! Please stay tuned for updates.


  • Syllabus: PDF.
  • Instructor: Prof. Fang Song
  • Email: fsong “AT” pdx.edu. Start your email subject line with “f21-4510-fet”.
  • Lectures: TR 10:00 - 11:50 @ Hoff 109.
  • Office hours: TBD.
  • Google classroom: join with code u6njqvt.
  • Overview: Emerging technologies, such as machine learning, quantum computing, modern cryptography, and big data analysis, have shown increasing significance of mathematical skills that go beyond a conventional discrete math course. Probability theory and linear algebra are evidently among the most essential. This course synthesizes fundamental theories and tools of probability and linear algebra with a slightly heavier weight on probability theory, and showcases applications in various topics in computer science. It aims to build a stronger foundation to facilitate future exploration in the emerging technologies.
  • Prerequisite: CS 350. This course is theoretical in nature and contains extensive practice on math and analytical problems as well as writing mathematical proofs.
  • Text: No required text. See Resource page for suggested texts and additional useful materials.