- <2019-08-19 Mon> Welcome! Enroll on Piazza
- Syllabus:
- Overview: This course will cover core techniques for designing
and analyzing efficient algorithms. Main topics include:
divide-&-conquer, dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, graph
algorithms, theory of NP-Completeness, and selected topics that
reflect recent developments.
- Prerequisite: CSCE 411 or equivalent. Talk with me if you are uncertain.
- Instructor: Prof. Fang Song @ HRBB 427B
- Email: βATβ Start your email subject line
with βf19-629β. For quick response, please communicate with Piazza.
- Lectures: M/W/F 10:20 am-11:10 am @ HRBB 113
- Office hours: M 1 - 3 pm and by appointment
- TA: Abhishek Das; Office hours & location: Th 1 - 3 pm @ HRBB 526
- Required Text: [CLRS] Thomas H. Cormen, Charles
E. Leiserson,Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein. Introduction to
Algorithms, 3rd edition, MIT Press, 2009. Library
- Resource page:
check constantly for additional materials that are helpful.
- Piazza: We will use Piazza for discussion and
communication. Find our class page
here and sign
up. You can get help efficiently from classmates and myself. I
encourage you to post your questions and share your thoughts on