(Spring 2018) CS 410/510 - Intro to Quantum Computing



  • Grading Policy: Homework 50%, Project 40%, Participation 10%.
  • Homework: You must turn in hard copies of your assignments before the class begins on the due date. The solutions must be intelligible. I encourage you to type your homework with Markdown or Latex (and submit the printouts). Late homework is acceptable, but there will be a penalty of 30% (<1 day), 60% (1-2 days), 100% (>2 days).
  • Collaboration in small group on homework problems is highly encouraged. However, each person must write up their solutions independently. For each problem that you have collaborated with others, you must list the names of your collaborators.
  • Course project: you will form a group of 3 people maximum and explore research topics related to this course. You may choose to survey a specific topic or take on original research problems. It will be evaluated progressively: proposal (5%), mid-term report (5%), oral presentation (15%), final report (15%). Details such as suggested topics will be provided after the class begins.
  • Academic integrity: Students will be responsible for following the PSU Student Conduct Code.
  • Students with disabilities: If you need academic accommodations, you should register with the Disability Resource Center and notify the instructor immediately to arrange for support services.