(Spring 2017) CS 410/510 - Intro to Quantum Computing
Main materials for this course
Lectures we will follow loosely
- Quantum Computation lecture notes PDF by John Watrous (Winter 2006 at UCalgary).
- Quantum Computation by Umesh Vazirani (Spring 07 at UC Berkeley).
Recommended texts
- Quantum Computing since Democritus by Scott Aaronson, based on his lectures (Fall 2006 at UWaterloo).
- An Introduction to Quantum Computing by by Phillip Kaye, Raymond Laflamme, Michele Mosca. Online access available through PSU library.
- Quantum Computer Science: An Introduction by David Mermin, based on his lectures (Spring 2006 at Cornell).
Courses offered at other institutes
- Quantum Computing Since Democritus by Scott Aaronson (Fall 2006 at UWaterloo).
- Quantum Computing for the determined short video series by Michael Nielsen.
- 12th Canadian Summer School on Quantum Information Lectures Videos on Youtube.
- Qubits, Quantum Mechanics, and Computers by Umesh Vazirani (Spring 2012 at UC Berkeley).
- Richard Cleve’s course (Fall 2016 at UWaterloo).
- Ronald de Wolf’s course (Spring 2011 at UAmsterdam)
- Quantum Complexity Theory by Scott Aaronson (Fall 2014 at MIT).
- Theory of Quantum Information by John Watrous (Fall 2015 at UWaterloo) and his homonymous book. U. Vazirani: @UC Berkeley Quantum Computation
- Quantum Algorithms by Andrew Childs (Winter 2013 at UWaterloo).
- Quantum Computation and Information by Ryan O’Donnell and John Wright (Fall 2015 at CMU).
- Quantum Error Correction by Daniel Gottesman (Winter 2007 at Perimeter Institute).
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by Michael Nielsen and Isaac Chuang. The dense and comprehensive bible to have though a bit dated. Online view available via PSU Library.
Classical and Quantum Computation (Graduate Studies in Mathematics), AMS, 2002, by A. Yu. Kitaev, A. H. Shen and M. N. Vyalyi. Concise, rigourous and insightful presentation.
- arXiv quant-ph archive of papers and preprints on Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation.
- Quantum algorithm zoo maintained by Stephen Jordan.
- A Not so short intro to Latex PDF, a thorough introduction to LaTeX, and guide on good style. Many online TeX editors available, e.g., Overleaf and ShareLaTeX.
- Qcircuit package for drawing quantum circuits in LaTeX, and more examples [PDF TeX] by Charemza.
- QuTiP Quantum Toolbox in Python.
- IBM Quantum Experience.