Saturday Academy Apprenticeships in Science & Engineering (ASE)

Summer 2018


  • Check out some photos during this summer program!



Dates Topic Note
June 18 - June 24 Welcome and Registration  
June 25 - July 1 Quantum Basics: Qubits, Quantum Gates, and Entanglement IBM Q Beinners Guide
July 2 - July 8 Quantum Teleportation and Superdense coding
Experiment with GUI
IBM Q Beinners Guide
IBM QISKIT Tutorial: Section 2.2
July 9 - July 15 Setting up QISKIT
Implement simple QAlgs: Teloportation and Super dense coding
More alg’s: Deutsch-Josza and Simon’s
IBM QISKIT Tutorial Section 2.1,2.2,2.5
Watrous note: Lec5 PDF, Lec6 PDF
July 12 Mid-summer Conference Corvallis, OR
July 16 - July 22 Advanced Quantum Algorithms
Bernstein-Vazirani, Grover’s Search, etc.
IBM QISKIT Tutorial Section 2.5
July 23 - July 29 Implement Advanced Quantum Algorithms IBM QISKIT Tutorial Section 2.5
July 30 - August 5 Implement Advanced Quantum Algorithms QImeplementation for Beginners Section 2,3,4
August 6 - August 12 Analysis QImeplementation for Beginners Section 2,3,4
August 13 - August 17 Wrap up and Presentation QImeplementation for Beginners Section 2,3,4
August 17 ASE Symposium University of Portland

Peer lectures

Interns are expected to give regular lectures to the peers on their work, typically on Mondays and Thursdays. FAB 88-03 M/Tu 2 - 4pm June 25 - July 12; 3 - 5pm the rest of the term.

Date Presentor Topic
June 25 Marshal Qubit and Single-qubit gates
June 28 Sydney Multi-qubit Gates
July 5 Marshal & Sydney Teleportation and Superdense coding
July 9 Sydney & Marshal Deutsch-Josza and Simon’s algorithms
July 16 Sydney & Marshal Simon’s algorithm analysis and Grover algorithm
July 19 Sydney Shor’s algorithm
July 23   TBD
